Mary Souli Erfolg ohne Grenzen! Kulturbotschafter der Mongolei ausschließlich in Espresso

mme_esspreso_newsAls Mary Souli, Direktor der Reiseagentur TOURS CEL beschlossen, die Mongolei die Öffentlichkeit sehr gut kannte, zu veröffentlichen, dass dies eine ehrgeizige Vision war, aber hatte viele Schwierigkeiten.
Unsere langjährige Erfahrung, die Liebe zum Beruf und der Glaube an seinem primären Ziel war, die Grundlagen der Waffen.
The insight that he had triumphantly confirmed.
Mary Souli failed only to turn Mongolia into a magnet son many Greeks. After a strenuous effort managed still to create a bridge between Greece and Mongolia with great results.
The title awarded by the Mongolian Government as theAmbassador of cultural communicationwas a big thanks for this effort. And it seems like it is just the beginning. Mary Souli has other ACEs well hidden in the sleeve to be discussed much in the near future.
-Die Wahrheit ist, dass unser Wissen über die Mongolei äußerst begrenzt ist. Bis jetzt haben wir haben keine Informationen darüber, was dieses ferne Land. Was hat Sie speziell mit der Mongolei zu beschäftigen?
-Tatsächlich sind Sie richtig. Wir wissen nicht, und eine Menge Dinge, für dieses Land. Ich werde Ihnen etwas sagen, das seltsam erscheinen mag.
Die Mongolei ist so weit weg, doch so nah an die griechischen Realität ist zweifellos ein anspruchsvolles Ziel. Die Mongolei ist ein schönes Land mit einzigartigen Naturschönheiten und extrem nett Leuten. The Mongols are an ancient people with a rich history, just like the Greek and believe me, can know only the Jenkins Khan as an atrocious Warrior, but the Mongols have suffered enormously during its history and it is a wonder that have managed to survive. Maybe because they havesouljust like the Greeks. Their interests do not differ a lot from our own and our mentality has many commonalities even though separate us many thousands of kilometres
-How did you manage to appointed Ambassador cultural communication?
-I was appointed Ambassador of cultural communication from players of Mongolia and it is a title that was attributed to me in recognition of my efforts to bring together the two peoples. This is to make the link between Mongolia and Greece and my aim is to meet the two countries between them as possible. It was really a great honor for me.
-How difficult it will be for you such a project?
-Is indeed difficult, but not impossible, I will try to yperkerasw the obstacle of mileage, organizing groups of exchange of athletes, artists and journalists as well as organising cultural events EC which will bring together the two countries. The first step is to send Greek athletes wrestling fed that will strive to Mercier level with Mongolian athletes, while the next effort is to become Mongol Exchange and Greek artists, will seem strange perhaps, but some singers are already known in Mongolia and their songs can be heard there. which is yet another proof that can both Nations to refrain the mileage but have enough common elements andtastes“!
-Warum denken Sie, dass Sie jemanden brauchen, dort zu reisen?
Da die Mongolei ist ein einzigartiges Reiseziel und so anders als wir unseren Geist setzen können. Die heutige Mongolei zieht die griechisch Reisenden, wie Sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Erfahrung des Nomadenlebens in den Jurten zu erleben, die sind spannend, authentisch und einzigartig. Vor allem jetzt für die Feiertage ist die Mongolei ein einzigartiges Ziel und vor allem Grafik. And a still good idea for those who love the intense and exciting experiences is to make celebrations in China and be thrown from there to Mongolia for a few days and experience this unique experience.
-If you ask me to tell an equally good proposal for travel in anticipation of the holidays, but in the Western hemisphere this time, what would you suggest me?
-will do again surprise and we’ll suggest Brazil because it’s also a different destination. Just think, that on the evening of new year two million people dressed in white descended on Copa Cabana Beach to celebrate the new year. Exactly at noon starting the Fireworks filled the sky with the wildest colors and along the coast, four kilometres in length, performed an incredible party continues until morning.
-After such a successful professional career in the Greek market what are your goals now?
-After Greece, Thailand and Cuba, our priority is to invest vigorously in other Asian markets where one things run with other rhythms and growth will be rapid. I believe that with careful steps we will achieve our goals very quickly.
-Europe interests you?
-Na sicher! Watching with keen interest the development of tourism in Central Europe and I think it is now time to get dynamically and in these markets, to give a chance to those folks get to know their destinations that already offer the Greek market with so much success. Unsere Erfahrung und die Welt vertraut uns so viele Jahre für seine Reisen ist das selbstverständlich Beweis dafür, dass Erfolg haben wird und dort!

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